Friday 29 January 2010

Friday, Friday, Friday

Lots of good stuff going on over here. Working on a big post (possibly with pictures, if I can figure that out).

Here's this week's five:

1. Massage. Oh, my goodness. Sweet, sweet relief and relaxation.
2. Cinema during the day with a friend. We both have off Thurs/Fri so are going to make daytime hanging out happen once a week.
3. Evening socialising. I can actually do this, have a nice time, get to bed at a decent hour and function the next day. Who knew?
4. Return to the gym: The asskicking. Week 1 went well. Now on to week 2.
5. Really excited to be actualizing the goals that I made for this year/the next 18 months.

Music: Ignite, Lady Gaga, Missy Elliott, Allo Darlin' and The Levellers

Friday 22 January 2010

Friday Five & Music

1. Three day weekend with grand plans for relaxing, visiting and home improvement.
2. Wedding dress has been purchased. At the 2009 price. Go me for haggling that one!
3. Insomnia causes me to have all sorts of cool ideas. And I wrote some of them down this time!
4. A really lovely stranger paid my taxi fare this morning. I was so grateful for that little reprieve.
5. Free cinema trip on Wednesday with work, to see Amelia. It was much better than I expected, but oh-so-sad. Even though I already knew the ending.

Music of the week: The Middle East, Xavier Rudd, Newton Faulkner, Indigo Girls, They Might Be Giants

Wednesday 20 January 2010

Simple Things

I really enjoy being at home. I fully admit to being a homebody, while C is usually ready and willing to socialise and go out most every night of the week. We do a lot more home-based activities, as you may well guess.

But last night, we both had good evenings. I know C did, because I asked him and he animatedly told me about the gig he went to, the things he bought in London, how the band were on stage, etc. I was really glad that he had had a great night out.

I, obviously, was at home. And it was marvelous. I enjoyed my few hours home alone to watch my favourite TV show, work-out with Jillian Michaels and just be. I took the time to really relax, while doing a few things that I enjoy.

Those few hours of alone time and solitude were lovely. And I really relished the fact that when I am not working around someone else's schedule or priorities, I do not feel rushed or delayed in accomplishing the things I need to while enjoying my day.

It was enough to make me think. And to quell that visceral urge I have been having to call in sick, snuggle in bed an extra hour and then craft the rest of the day.

My few hours have given me more patience and appreciation in this small apartment. Maybe next time I'll come up with the solution to our space dilemma.

It really is the simple pleasures in life that are greatest. I should try to remind myself more often. It's easy to forget.

Friday 15 January 2010

Friday, again.

One of my goals in life is to update this more regularly. One substantial post per week and my regular Friday gig. I'm obviously still working on it.

This week, I feel pulled in a few different directions, both emotionally and viscerally. It is difficult to explain. I feel the need to craft and hibernate with comforting smells and candles. Lots of blankets. At the same time, the snow is going. Will it be back? Probably. I hope.

I am also terribly excited because a lot of things are coming together wedding-wise and it just thrills me that this is going to happen. We are actually going to declare our love and committment to one another, in front of other people. Make it 'real'. As if it isn't real already.

Anyway, this week's five.

1. Love my oldies. At work. They are so funny.
2. Wedding things, hooray! & etsy purchases!
3. Successfully making scary phone calls to strangers. I have a love/hate relationship with the phone.
4. Knitting. I have been procrastinating some projects because I do not want to fail. But how will I be successful if I avoid something?
5. Slowly tackling my list. I should post my lists sometime. It would be amazing.

Friday 8 January 2010

Friday Five

1. Snow. Again. How much do I love it?! SO MUCH!
2. Girls night tonight. Going to be much smaller than planned, but still going ahead.
3. Work has been really busy and fun. I like being there.
4. I have the best parents and the best life partner. I chose my family well.
5. New books and my library membership. <3

Music this week: Ska-P, Regina Spektor, Xavier Rudd, Soul Coughing, Newton Faulkner

Monday 4 January 2010

Welcome, 2010!

Already four days into the newest year. Another decade. Where did 2009 go? It seems like a blur.

I feel like I am echoing other blogs I have read in the last few days, but really 2009 was a roller coaster. I shall be getting off now, please and thank you.

I hope that 2010 is a healthy, peaceful and happy year for me and C (and our families and friends!).

Goals for the year:

01. Get organised (clothes and crafts!)
02. Sort out space for crafting
03. Go to the library more.
04. Host a superfun wedding.
05. Fall in love again.
06. Find some good girl-friends.