Friday 26 March 2010

Five For Friday

01. Milkshake (Oreo & Reese's). Not in the wedding dress plan, but sometimes indulgence is good.
02. Good books. I finished The Year of Pleasures by Elizabeth Berg today. I've already started reading it again. SO GOOD.
03. Started booking honeymoon things! Wheee!
04. Babysitting is fun!
05. I heard from my dad (he's in Afghanistan right now) and that made me feel a lot better. I was seriously stressing about it.

Tuesday 23 March 2010

On having a no good, very bad, day.

Sometimes it's little things that build up over a long time and one day, you suddenly want to tear your hair out.

Sometimes there doesn't seem to be any reason to have a bad day. You had a good night's sleep, you've been exercising regularly and eating well. Things in life are generally smooth and you have been rolling with the silly or annoying little things that happen. But then it hits you; a terrible, no good, very bad day. And it bites.

Where did it come from? Why are you losing patience quicker than you can blink? Swallowing that tearful lump growing in your throat?

Today, I have been having one of those kind of days. The kind where I actually wish I could walk out of work, no questions asked and just turn up tomorrow like nothing happened. The sort of day where I should have just stayed in bed, because the stress was not worth the effort.

So, Tuesday, 23 March 2010, I quit today. You were a rubbish day and brought me little but grief and stress. I want tomorrow to be better. I want to have a happy, cheerful day.

The best part of today was a 'love note' from my momma and kashi go lean! crunch cereal. I think that made it bearable. Just about.

I wonder what other people do when they are having a bad day? Drink? Spend money?

Friday 19 March 2010


1. Lots of gymming. Lovely. And productive! I'm finding muscles I never knew existed!
2. Wedding meeting today, which made me feel pretty good about things, despite my feeling of utter procrastination and apathy about doing anything. (I'm excited for the wedding, just lazy!)
3. Plants, flowers and sun! My seedlings of foxglove, calendula and sweet pea are growing like crazy!
4. Frogs! in the garden! (I haven't seen a frog in the 'wild' since I moved to England 4.5 years ago)
5. 3 hour nap this afternoon. It was delicious, even though I did miss pilates because of it.

Friday 12 March 2010


01. Babysitting for a very cute 16 month old. The extra money is nice, too.
02. Plants are growing like CRAZY in the propagator. They cannot go outside for another 2-3 weeks!
03. 3-day weekend is the best thing about my job.
04. Finished a knitting project in 1.5 hours whilst waiting with a resident at the hospital.
05. C has a new job!!! (this is the best thing that has happened this week. so so so so so excited.)

Friday 5 March 2010

Friday Funday

Hooray for Friday!

1. Girls night tonight.
2. Sewing machines have gone for repair. Should be right as rain by next week. w00t.
3. Growing plants for an awesome summer garden. Excitement.
4. Cheaper, lovelier wedding shoes. I love a bargain.
5. 3 day week. A good time.