Friday 23 April 2010

Friday I'm in Love!

This week has been an incredible roller coaster. Today (and yesterday) have been marvelous. So much love for the weekend. Without further ado...

01. NEW BIKE. Technically it's for my birthday which is approximately 10 days away. But it's built and gorgeous and comfortable and squeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
02. Gardening. So relaxing. I spent all Thursday afternoon loving on my little garden. It holds up well to my neglect.
03. Old Bay is my most favourite-ist potato wedge/french fry flavour ever. It just oozes nostalgia and delicious. My favourite dinners lately have Old Bay wedges (once every week or two).
04. The sunny weather that England has been enjoying has made my garden and my mental health grow stronger.
05. I love when I go to the gym and just go all out for the whole 90-120 minutes I'm there. It makes me feel so invigourated, healthy and whole. (I have been pretty lax on the gym lately...bad.)

Songs this week: (down from bands/artists, I am on a repeating songs phase.)

01. Dr Frankenstein by Jack Savoretti
02. Will you return? by The Avett Brothers
03. Paranoia in B-Flat Major by The Avett Brothers
04. Little Lion Man by Mumford & Sons
05. Ghost by Bombay Bicycle Club

Off cycling on Sunday, so look forward to a photo post sometime next week!

Friday 16 April 2010

Holy Friday, Batman!

It's already Friday?! Man, the weeks are passing quickly! C and I have been engaged for over a year now.

Today has been stressful. I am trying to do quite a bit of wedding buying/paying deposits now that most everything has been planned. I use an American bank card for this...until I couldn't use it today! So there was some drama. I have used it relatively easily until now.

It has been sorted out, but I was pretty tense for a few hours.

This week's five:

01. Roast chicken. So delicious.
02. Plants are growing like crazy. I can't wait to put them out in the garden.
03. Being under budget on food shopping. I love deals.
04. New dress. Hopefully party worthy. (for rehearsal dinner, etc)
05. The library. I have a goal of reading 75 books before my 26th birthday (May 2011) and I am already ten down. So 65 to go.

Music is roughly the same as last week. With a resurgence of Allo Darlin'.

Friday 9 April 2010

Five for Friday

a. Warm weather. Says it all.
b. Generous friends and family. Thank you! We love you!
c. Progress on wedding stuff. Big and small.
d. Talking to Lindsay. Makes my day.
e. Music is such a salve for the soul. It makes every day that little bit brighter.

Music: Mumford & Sons, The Avett Brothers, Bombay Bicycle Club, Jack Savoretti, The Middle East, John Butler Trio.

Friday 2 April 2010

Friday Five & Music

01. Homemade curry for dinner. Delish.
02. Cleaning, cleaning and cleaning. The flat is looking sparkly.
03. New seeds planted, hopefully they grow and it warms up so I can move my little greenhouse operation outside.
04. Invitation mock up looking great. I am excited that we decided to do these ourselves.
05. Great workout this A.M., despite the gym opening late for Good Friday. I can run for 13 minutes now!!

Music this week: The Avett Brothers (Emotionalism); Mumford & Sons; The Cinematic Orchestra (To Make a Home)