Friday 5 February 2010

It's true, I like depressing music.

I play music almost constantly. You can tell when I am not happy, do not have myself together or if I am depressed because music will not be playing, and I do not want to hear anyone else's music either.

I have been told several times over my life that I listen to depressing music. And I'm finally admitting that it's true. I do listen to depressing music. It reminds me how far I have come and how far I have to go. It makes me think that the things I have experienced have a voice. That those experiences may have been bad or unpleasant or just sad but I have survived. Just as others have. I do not feel so alone when I have my music.

This is currently one of the songs in my rotation of music.(I wanted to embed the song in the post, but it was not working! If anyone has any insight, I would love it.)

Who are your favourite bands or artists? What draws you to a particular song or style of music?

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