Sunday 1 November 2009


And so, it is November 2009. Time flies.

This November, I have committed to NaBloPoMo. My aspirations are to become one of those 'bloggers'; writers who put their craft into cyberspace each day. A lofty goal, I know. A joke, perhaps?

I have always been a writer, preferring paper and pen to typing on a computer. Somehow, the words seem to flow, like extensions of my own mind, my own body, through ink. The computer has always seemed more forced. I tried using a typewriter for several years, it was fun and challenging, but never the same as pen and paper.

As a child, I wrote short stories with illustrations and told my grandmother I'd be famous for writing one day, as she hole-punched my creations and bound them with a shoelace.

So here is my own challenge, along with all the other daily things that need to be accomplished. I will be posting each day this month. An anecdote here, my weekly recap on Fridays, my adventure at the end of the month back to the United States for a visit with my family...follow on the journey, as I figure out how to write each day with a computer instead of my trusty pen.


Kristen Miner said...

I know how you feel about the computer versus the trusty pen. Either way, I will be reading!

Sarah said...

Funnily enough, I too used to tell people I'd be a writer when I was little. Perhaps this is a family trait?