Friday 6 November 2009

Friday Five

Each Friday, I will be posting five things that were good about the week. These could be really exciting or fairly mundane. I do this list every week in my notebooks or in my day planner. It really helps me to see all the good things in my life.

1. A great fiance, who does dishes, takes out rubbish and takes me to the supermarket at 9 p.m. to buy cake.
2. The gym at the end of my road. Making it easier to get healthy (forget what I just said about cake, ok?) and there are no excuses because it is so close!
3. A job that makes me laugh everyday. (I will share some funny stories soon!)
4. Phone calls from my mom. Even though I know she misses me, she still finds the strength to encourage me to pursue and live my dream every day.
5. My day off on Fridays. I love waking up a little bit later, going to the gym, lounging in my pajamas and then running errands and doing housework. I would be a great stay at home person.

Share your Friday Five on your blog or in the comments! Hope you've had a good week!

1 comment:

Kristen Miner said...

Love the idea. My favorite five things that happened this week were in no particular order:
1. Having the ultrasound for this next babe. We left the gender a surprise so I am really excited about the delivery.
2. My brother-in-law had a job interview at my husband's company. I have my fingers and toes crossed he gets the job. It would be such a positive turn in his life.
3. The weather! Its like 70 degrees today and November. The windows are open.
4. Finding a new recipe that was easy and Sean devoured with seconds. He is more of a grazer so when he grabs seconds I know he loves it.
5. Eating brownie mix before I put them in the oven last night to bake. I could eat it by the spoonfuls.